Sunday, June 5, 2011

God's Kindness

In going over my day-timer this past week I was struck by the amount of things happening and about to happen.  For me looking at enormous to-do lists can be very overwhelming.  Often times I wonder how I will accomplish all the events and remain sane!  Then God broke into my cold sweats and spoke to me.
"Jill aren't you glad that along with all these other ways to serve this week you aren't also preparing to go to Hong Kong?"
I stopped the car, pulled over onto the side of the road and thanked God for His immeasurable kindness to me.  I have found it is one thing to run through to-do lists and forget the whole reason why I'm doing it and it is quite another thing to "be all there", "in the moment" and praising God.   The praise just rolled right over me and out!  That one question infused so much grace in me that I was able to look at the pending week with all that it entailed with joy instead of heavy sighing.
(Mom Thought)  My daughter Megan is graduating this year from High School.  We homeschool so it is no small deal to come to the end of that most precious responsibility.  She is our second to graduate with our oldest, Emily finishing in 2009.   A lot of lasts come with it; last youth meeting, last youth camp etc.  Megan has been very concerned, (and feeling guilty about it but completely on board) that her Daddy and I would be in Hong Kong and miss these special big events in her life.  Last night at the Crossfire youth meeting as all the Seniors were being honored by the Pastor, I leaned forward and whispered with tears to my Megan, "See honey, God made sure that we would be here for this!"  More tears, more praise.  Such Kindness!
The other thought that has continued to consume my thinking is, "How will I be able to fit that in?"  Thom and I have had the privilege over the past 10 years to serve our Pastors and our church body by opening up our home for differing and varying events.  We have loved every moment of it and cherished the meaningful times of fellowship had within these walls.  In God's perfect timing, some of those events will cease to be at our home.  Our Pastor, Ben Ross, asked us once what we would do with all the free time on our hands after Megan graduates and certain events move to other locations.  Last night, in the midst of rejoicing and tears, God answered that question.

God is calling us to a new use for our home and time in caring for our little boys.  Time that I thought I didn't have (ie. grocery shopping, cleaning, Dr. appt., play dates etc.) suddenly came into the light as God showed me the ending of one chapter in the life of our family and the beginning of another chapter.  Joyous fellowship was going on all around me last night, but the most precious part for me was what I was experiencing with my Abba Father.  His tender care was so tangible last night and in my mind's eye I was relishing every minute of it.  Taking mind pictures, if you will.  I will never forget the hug I got from Megan last night.  It felt like I was being sandwiched between God and her and love was the jelly squishing out all over.

I am confident now that when the time comes and we receive our call to go and get our handsome Peter, my heart will fully turn to the task, by God's grace, and I will be able to be completely engaged and praising God as we prepare to go, arrive and return from Hong Kong.  God intimately knows all the characters in the book of Jill and how the plot will unfold.  He gave me the most precious of gifts this week, "kindness" and I am changed.  All Him!  All His Work!  Such wondrous love. Such Fatherly care.

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