Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stirrings to a Plan! The Faithfulness of God in Our Marriage

23 Years ago I married my best friend.  I love celebrating our anniversary every year yet this year seemed sweeter.  I can still remember the moment pictured here when our pastor, Harry Thomas, announced us "Husband and Wife".  There are a few words to describe how I felt; "Saved, Hemmed in, New Life, United, JOY!"  So what's so special about 23 years?  How did this anniversary differ from any other?  What characterized this year?

I can answer all of these questions with one thing, God's grace.  This was a hard year on us as a couple. Adoption is a glorious thing.  Adding any child, whether biologically or through adoption is a true gift and with each new addition comes the new challenges of keeping the marriage a priority.  We have had many different seasons but this one with all the ups and downs have produced the most fruit.

In 1993, Thom and I entered a Sovereign Grace church newly planted in the Cherry Hill, New Jersey area.  We were struggling as newly-weds and as new parents of 2 small children.  We were immediately aware that God had placed us in a safe harbor where healing and equipping would take place.  One of the things we learned that has impacted us to this day we actually learned in a parenting seminar.  Roger and Dottie Small, our Pastor's in-laws, were teaching our group and as they were counseling us they said, "The best gift you can give to your children is a great marriage".  We had become so child focused in our family that our marriage took a backseat to their needs while our needs basically were being ignored.  Things started changing radically as we embraced this truth and the parenting truths being taught as well as linking arms with other married couples in the fight for GREAT.

Why put this here in a blog about Peter?  Adopting children brings challenges to families, to marriages.  But God. . .!  In this season of acclimating Peter to our family and our family to Peter, our marriage got pushed to the back ground as we worked with all our children.  We were all affected relationally and we all clung tightly to God and his promises as we walked through months of uncomfortable change.  Thom and I found ourselves exhausted with no energy for one another.  However, the thoughts of God's grace, the truths of scripture and the prayers of our church family brought us through abundantly!

Peter came home July 22, 2011.  Both of our Dad's died and an estate needed settling (2011-2012).  Older kids needed to talk until late hours and reassurance that things would be alright in Christ, and younger children needed such care so that they would know that they know God saved them and placed them forever in our family. (on-going)  In August of 2012, we sensed the Lord call us to go away and we went.  God awakened the desire and the energy we needed for each other.  We wanted more and more time alone and realized that we had to get creative and find a new plan to meet the demands of family and our refreshed desire for one another.  Each week, with all the new scheduling we made the effort.  We planned to weekly date outside the home, to purposefully make times in-house where we connect, including daily devotions in the early morning. We even went away for 3 days to Cape May right before Christmas.  The Lord willing, we will go away for overnights every quarter. The dates won't have anything to do with the kids and their issues.  Instead we will be going through the book, Love Dare, and implementing the exercises.

February 9, 2013, Thom and I went away eager to just be alone and to celebrate 23 years of God's faithfulness to us in our marriage.  In the quiet of the room we humbly accepted all that God did in our family and looked forward to what He would accomplish in the future.  He kept us and guided us like a water course during the difficulties and joys of Peter's adoption and addition to our family.  He has further refined our marriage, strengthened our faith and 23 years later we find ourselves singing the same song, "Great is thy Faithfulness" to our great God and King.

This is the best we can do for our kids, biological and adopted.  Wherever you are at in the adoption process, be all there!  Cling to God and depend on Him to bring you through each day.  However, when you hear that small voice saying, "It's time!  You've got a good start with the kids, now give them the gift of a Great Marriage." Jump on it! Prioritize it! Plan it!  It's not going to be easy, but it is worth it and it is the very best gift we can leave them with.  A Dad and a Mom, deeply in love with each other and their Savior.  All by God's grace, done in His faithfulness.

Friday, February 1, 2013


"When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.  Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'  The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad!" Psalm 126:1-3
Did you ever experience that deep breath after the realization that things might actually be falling back into place?  The place, the people, the time is all different but somehow that old familiar, "God is in control and by His mighty hand, He has brought us through" is the same.  Are you familiar with that Fatherly embrace when you really, really need something to change and then it does?  That's what it has been like lately in the Inglin home.

Two days ago while I was home schooling Eliot in our little classroom in the basement, I believe the Holy Spirit was calling me to look at what God was doing in that moment.  Our little Eliot, who is 6, was reading from his school books to me while Peter sat on the floor sounding out the words right along with his brother.  It was all so normal.  WHAT!!!!  Normal, a new normal with a schedule of events beginning and ending in the Lord with all kinds of normal stuff happening in between.  I started to praise the Lord and laughed out loud.  The boys, not used to this kind of spontaneous outburst from their Mama, ran to me and hugged me as I spun them around singing, "God is so good.  God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to us!!!"  The three of us laughed and hugged and wrestled on the carpet as tears slid down my cheeks.  We were glad just to be us! 

This leads me to the point I want to share with those of you grace-filled souls who have incorporated the act of adoption into your lives.  No matter where you are at in the process, God always comes through.  And when you least expect it, as verse 1 says of Psalm 126. . .we were like those who dream.  It is like waking up to a fresh crisp morning, refreshed and full of life. When the trials of the early days of paperwork, travelling or waiting, attaching and wondering about how things will work out fade and are replaced with potty training, play dates, a schedule, chores, and even home school - everyday living doing everyday things. When a brand new expression of God's goodness in your family emerges and you find yourself standing there shaking your head and marveling at the plans of God and how they could ever possibly include you. . .Great AND Glorious praise is given and received by our Heavenly Father.  Peace floods the soul.
"Bless our God, O peoples; let the sound of his praise be heard, who has kept our soul among the living and has not let our feet slip.  For You, O God, have tested us; You have tried us as silver is tried.  You brought us into the net; You laid a crushing burden on our backs; You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet You have brought us out to a place of abundance." Psalm 66:8-12
Glory Be to God!!!  I just want to shout to everyone about the faithfulness of our God!  Don't you?  This is what we are experiencing right now in our family.   We went out weeping bearing the seed for sowing, and we have come home with shouts of joy; bringing our sheaves with us.  Don't lose heart, God hears your prayers and in the right time, He will answer you with floods of refreshment and the fruit. . . little children are rescued at such a cost and placed, KEPT, into a family FOREVER!!!!  Just like God did for us with His precious Son, Jesus Christ, through the Cross of Calvary.  Blood bought, Redeemed, Adopted, His Forever. . .  
Redeemed how I love to proclaim it!  Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!  Redeemed through Your infinite mercy.                  Your child and forever I am!!!!